Our Mission

The Need
More than 50 Million American Adults suffer from mental illness every year.
And 5% experience a more serious mental health concern
1 in 6 kids ages 6-17 experience a
mental health disorder. Suicide remains
the second-leading cause of death
among all U.S. children ages 10-14

Partner With Us
By committing to give $50 a month, you can help open a ChaseWell clinic in your community. It only takes 250 partners in a region to build a clinic, and open the doors to the community. Your contributions will continue to support clinics, and individuals who cannot afford the treatment they need.
Just 50 church partners giving $250 a month can open a clinic and join the fight against the mental crisis, providing aid to their congregation and community.
Church Partner

ChaseWell On Tour

Connect with us!
Are you a musician, artist, or pastor who is interested in becoming part of our network?
Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you!
Contact us.
Text us anytime at 833-694-6351
550 S. Harbin Dr #160
Stephenville, TX 76401