Help | Hope | Healing
Pay what you can mental healthcare that brings healing to underserved communities

Our Mission

The Need
More than 50 Million American Adults suffer from mental illness every year.
And 5% experience a more serious mental health concern
1 in 6 kids ages 6-17 experience a
mental health disorder. Suicide remains
the second-leading cause of death
among all U.S. children ages 10-14

Our Story

Partner With Us
By committing to give $50 a month, you can help open a ChaseWell clinic in your community. It only takes 250 partners in a region to build a clinic, and open the doors to the community. Your contributions will continue to support clinics, and individuals who cannot afford the treatment they need.
Just 50 church partners giving $250 a month can open a clinic and join the fight against the mental crisis, providing aid to their congregation and community.
Church Partner

ChaseWell On Tour
Check back soon for tour dates!

Connect with us!
Are you a musician, artist, or pastor who is interested in becoming part of our network?
Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you!
Contact us.
708 NW 1/2 W 6th St
Smackover, AR